My Candy Skull
This is a chalk drawing I did of the candy/sugar skull. I chose chalk to do it because I like how quickly it can be done and how soft it makes the image look, I chose to do it in black and white because this was a first attempt.....ever. I used the black and white just so I could get used to the shapes and where everything could go.
The hair is my favourite bit!!! I love the waves and the curves, it's really pretty. Also, the eyes are the eye-catchers and these will be the bits that I carry on to a more colourful candy skull i'll do a bit later. The web in the nose looks quite nice too so maybe that's another element i'll use.
I think it turned out pretty well, it was a lot of fun to play around with and you can be really open with design on the face, it was a lot of fun so this deffinately wont be the last. :D:D
Zeus helped and got black chalk on his nose. :):) |